3 min readJul 7, 2021



A large majority of the voting electorate don’t research behind the headlines or go searching for other bits of information they read the headlines and opinions that they want to hear and then say “well.. I have made my informed decision”. It also doesn’t help when 80% of the media is run by an engine powered by far-right media-mogul Rupert Murdoch hence why people never see the opposition leader because when Keir Starmer does something it isn’t televised so in the voters minds it doesn’t exist, after all we know history based off of what was written down otherwise many events would go unnoticed and disregarded purely because of the fact that the event isn’t documented again a pattern is emerging of a media machine.

But, lets start off easy what is cronyism. Well, according to a dictionary definition it means ‘The appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard for their qualifications’ to break that down it means that you give your mates a job as the Education Secretary even though they have no background in education at all. Cronyism has always been in the government particularly in the last decade, where we have seen money mean more than lives, and we have seen the truest face of this barbaric and egregious government and we have seen what they care about. Did Boris Johnson care when he said that he “would rather see the bodies pile high in their thousands” before putting us all into a second national lockdown because we released to early? Then in January of 2021 schools were sent home and closed, three months later we return having to test twice a week, wear face masks throughout school (which has since been relaxed).

I know it may seem like everyone should know this but if cases are going up why are we unlocking? Take the PM’s own words we have an amazing vaccination roll out thanks to the NHS but don’t worry we are in the midst of privatizing it but never the less go outside and clap. How pitiful, these amazing and selfless human beings deserve at a minimum 5% pay rise as the 2% they are being given is actually a pay cut because of inflation. It is disgusting. If our vaccination roll out is the best in the world we have daily deaths been rising and the seven day average of Covid-19 deaths has risen by 42.5%, almost 200,000 cases over the past seven days and hospitalizations are up by 44.7%.

Then Boris Johnson has the gall to go on TV and say through blabbers that we must reconcile that we will have deaths, ok then lets reconcile it every death that happens from the 05/07/21 is squarely Boris’ fault not to mention the 80,000 others he killed by slowing the lockdown in the second wave. The depths of this outright stupidity is astounding even for Boris Johnson’s government, beforehand I thought ok not what I wanted but at least there were some people who I felt would do the right thing well he then sacked anyone who had an inventive or creative idea because he wanted a group of jeering yes-people who have never had an original thought in their lives. Yet they are protected because they throw bones out to people like Rupert Murdoch, he avoids paying taxes and in return he protects the government using his indoctrination machine, oh sorry I meant his newspapers and news outlets if that is your bar for what you consider news..




Dreams of becoming a journalist one day, I write about everything. If you want my thoughts on something please comment on my posts so I can add it to the list.