Why is it cool to be mean?

4 min readAug 4, 2021

Why do people feel the need to constantly attack world-class athletes on social media it seems to be the trend, and people think that it is funny because you can to sit in the comfort of your own home and you use the shield of free speech to say these horrible things; you don’t seem to realize that these athletes are probably pulling out because of mental health concerns, most of all they don’t necessarily need to share with the world and if his mental health concerns, you screaming capital on Twitter isn’t exactly wanna jump back and get into the ring again. So I feel it only needs to be a message globally that if you’re talking to people on social media maybe you should be taken and held to account for what you say and I believe that the law has to change, I believe that mindsets have to change and the way we talk about famous people it’s not good that we see them as not-human and then punishes them for being human.

People put them on a higher level than the rest of us but actually, it has been built by everyone else and they all say the celebrities and famous peoples piles of money protecting when in reality it doesn’t, it makes it more dangerous if you have a lot of money around you becoming even more of a target the problem is that we don’t have respect for each other anymore not even for just celebrities or athletes or anyone in the spotlight we don’t have respect for anyone. You know I can blame a lot of it on politics and leadership with all of it on politics because if your leaders talking badly and are insulting people the fish rots from the head, so if you see that leadership doesn’t care then why would you. You’re immediately gonna wanna go OK well if Trump can call someone stupid or say that a fact is a load of nonsense or humbug if-then says alternative facts are the truth and Kelly Anne Conway goes out there and says it, sure we have a new leader in America but it doesn’t mean anything will change necessarily.

It is the hearts and minds of people that they need to change and I don’t think anyone thinks that it will be overnight but even just for a second you think "Do I need to go on Twitter and say that Simone biles is a horrible human being and is not tough enough" She pulled out of the Olympics, which is her choice just like it’s your choice to go on Twitter and slating here guess what she probably beat you in gymnastics anyway she has nothing that she ever needs to prove to anyone I don’t understand why people would want to get on social media and just continuously harass and bombard people with insults. We can put this message out there and our leaders can put this message out and say "we want equality and we are we’re gonna be really moralistic and become amazing amazing role models", when in actual fact history is not kind and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of history; so when you see these people and then they run for Political office and old bigoted tweets resurface , we all have to realise no one on earth will ever be perfect we can try and try, it’s not a bad thing to try but you have to understand that education is better than cancellation.

I will never ever condone the way that some people on Twitter and in the news and people who have a platform saying mean things about an amazing incredible young gymnast, but I would rather educate them and say can you look at it this way and even just switching the perspective can have a massive impact rather than cancelling demolition never have a phone or Twitter account I’d rather educate them willing to be educated we all have a responsibility as a collective society to educate people otherwise how do we learn you learn from telling you "don’t eat that don’t eat the cookies off the tray because it’s hot then of course you would know her and you burn yourself can you know for next time not too" so now I’m not going to do it because of what happened last time but you should do it because it’s the right thing to do and it’s what every human should due to what another one. I don’t understand why it would be such a massive thing for you to be nice I do believe that we can not necessarily solve it I think we could perhaps we can make sure that it’s not allowed and it’s not tolerated because if society tolerates it then everyone will think it’s okay so then the goal post gets moved oh I called her fat on social media so let’s see what I can do next and see how far I can go before people start saying its similar to the famous poem first they came for the Jews then they came for another group each time, I said nothing then they came for me and there is no one else to speak and stand up for me want if you do not speak up the first time or the second time or the third time or fourth time pretty soon you’re going to be the ones they come after time.




Dreams of becoming a journalist one day, I write about everything. If you want my thoughts on something please comment on my posts so I can add it to the list.